The Kenyan Government launched the Construction of the Nairobi Expressway on 16th October 2019. The project consists of a 26 Km road expansion of which 11 Km will be elevated crossing right through the city of Nairobi. The Kenya National Highways Authority had circulated a document giving some information on the proposed project. The pamphlet […]
No Progress without Accepting Prevailing SocioEconomic Conditions!
The Governor of Nairobi recently stated in a local talk show that it is his desire for Nairobi to be an ‘International City.’ This can be presumed to mean a city that is attractive to foreign investment, conferences and tourism. These attributes are not new to the City of Nairobi. A large percentage of Nairobi’s […]
Modal Shift in Nairobi City – Bus Rapid Transit or Not?
A few months ago, a Senior Nairobi County Government official stated that ‘Bus Rapid Transit cannot work because of the current population of the city.’ The statement drew a lot of attention and debate among the urban planning and design community in the city. Coincidentally, it was made around the same time that the Nairobi […]