Non Motorized Transport means have gradually gained popularity in several of the world cities. In countries like the Netherlands, modes such as cycling are a way of life. In other cities such as Bogota, pedestrianization of streets has been promoted as a means of improving mobility and retail business. The promotion of Non Motorized Transport […]
Nairobi, Kenya: Neglect of NMT makes it less safe, less convenient and less attractive.
Cities are growing at alarming rates and consequently facing a variety of challenges such as traffic congestion, pollution, pedestrian deaths and an increasing urban populace.
Harmonizing Initiatives: Nairobi, Kenya works towards developing an NMT Policy
January 8, 2015 The Nairobi County Government in conjunction with the United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP) and the Kenya Alliance of Resident Associations (KARA) have set up a team to develop a Non Motorized Transport Policy for the County. Led by Engineer Tom Opiyo, the team of experts will work towards developing a policy and presenting […]